
The foundation will stimulate scientific analysis of the practice of Active Citizenship and anticipations on the concept Active Citizenship. She stimulates Active Citizenship by competency development and facilitation training of professionals and active citizens. All this happens through the research and training from a socio-pedagogical and sociological perspective.


The foundation facilitates a Chair at the University of Amsterdam. Independent scientific research should be be carried out (done). The research is sponsored by independent sponsors and is done for (in order) and cooperation with external (third) parties. Clients could be the university, the government, (public offices, regional government or local offices) or middle social organizations (housing corporation?s, care and health (wellness) institutions, profession organizations, volunteer organizations, client organizations and tenant organizations).

In research we cooperate with Dutch and International researchers and research institutes. Student?s fellows and volunteers will participate in the research. The Professor participates in research networks, for example the research network WMO of the University of Amsterdam and the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, the NIG Research colloquium Professionals under Pressure and Kennisnetwerk Amsterdam, Hogeschool van Amsterdam.